A Case Series of Contact Irritant Dermatitis due to Latex Gloves: An Implication of Materiovigilance

  • Ahmad Najmi
  • Shilpa Kaore
  • Balakrishnan S
  • Mohammad Faizan Khan


Most common reaction to latex products is irritant contact dermatitis caused by irritation from wearing gloves or by glove powder. Latex glove reactions have been shown to be an important cause of occupational morbidity among healthcare professionals because they use latex gloves on a frequent basis. In this case series we reported seven cases of irritant contact dermatitis due to the use of latex gloves. On using nitrile gloves, these symptoms subsided. There was no history of any drug allergy or eczema among these nursing staff. The causality category was probable as per WHO causality scale. These cases were reported to regional training centre materiovigilance under materiovigilance program of India.
